We've been going a lot of places and doing many things the kids enjoy lately. I figure once the baby is born we'll be somewhat housebound for a while. Some days though it is nice to just hang out in the backyard and have a water fight. I sat in the shade while the Matthew, Melissa, and two of Matthew's buddies played in the pool, on the slip 'n slide, in the sprinkler, with water guns, and buckets. The three boys had fun dousing each other with water. Melissa, on the other hand, could dish it out, but couldn't take it. "Matthew!!! You got me wet!!!" She pretty much did her own thing. The boys then turned their shirts into weapons of war. All was fun and games until they got a little too rough and the ump had to call an end to the water fight. Matthew and Jackson each swore the other was being "mean," and didn't want to be friends anymore. Thankfully neither one is capable of holding a grudge and the next day they were friends again.
Wow, I can't believe I still haven't seen your house (I just thought of that from seeing a small portion of your backyard). I know what you mean about being housebound... but that's what dad's are for-to take the older kids out (and give you some peace and quiet with the baby:))
Gotta love summers!!
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