Thursday, August 28, 2008

6 lbs 13 ounces

His sugars are much more stable, and they are starting to talk about a going home time line!

Isaac is off of the glyburide and has been for 24 hours. The doctors (and Jonathan, who put the data in a spreadsheet and graphed it) didn't think it was affecting his sugar levels much. Going to keep an eye on him during the day today, and if his sugars shoot back up then perhaps the glyburide was playing a role...but I don't think it will.

He's on Lantus twice a day, and none of the regular quick acting insulin. This morning his sugars were actually a little on the low side, so there's still some tweaking still going on. His doctor commented that in a week he will likely need the current higher dose with the rate he is eating and growing. They aren't used to such great eaters, but this is a typical Ellis kid for me.

Things are looking very good. I am a happy mama!


Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

So glad to hear that you're good little eater is packing on the pounds...or ounces and the case may be! And just as glad to hear that mama's spirits seem to be up a little. You're such a good mom. I'm so glad that you listened and reacted quickly. What a blessing. I admire and love you. Love, your cuz.

Rachel Ellis said...

Thanks Kathleen! :)