Friday, August 01, 2008


I've gotten to the point now where I'm cranky and big. The kids are just cranky, or they've had a series of cranky days this last week. Melissa in particular has been challenging. She seems to want to turn simple requests into federal cases and is quick to throw temper tantrums. Just usual day to day things like putting her underwear on in the morning will elicit tears and defiance. If I didn't have places I needed to be, then she could stay in her room until she's ready to comply. Even getting into the car or out of the car will spark a rebellion. I just don't have tons of energy and patience now so it's been rough. I've been tempted to sell them to the circus, but I don't think the circus would take them. Grrr.

The Day Mommy Cried
Two days ago I was outside tying up some beans while Melissa and Matthew played by the sandbox. The next thing I know Melissa has disappeared and isn't answering me. I searched all around the house calling for Melissa, then I searched inside the house, I go up and down our street and the street behind us. By now it's been about ten minutes and I started calling up the neighbors. (Who offer to look as well). I am this close to calling Jonathan and the police when I see her dart out our front door. I snatched her up and started to bawl. She'd been hiding from me! AHH! I was too relieved to scold her much, but I went over and over with her that she must always yell "Here I am!" when I call her. I gave her a bath and Matthew took a shower, after which we all felt much better.


1 comment:

Telitha said...

Hang in there Rachel! You're almost done. That's really scary about Melissa. I'm glad she was just hiding and not missing. You were very brave to take the kids out in 90 degree weather at 9 months!