Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Little Chow Hound"

That's how Isaac's nurse described him after she fed him at 9 pm last night. He downed 3 oz easily and probably would have eaten more if she'd warmed it up. I came in at midnight and he nursed enthusiastically on one side. Probably got about 3 oz then too, judging by how little I was able to pump on that side afterward compared to the other.

His color looks fantastic! Even just 6 hours earlier when I had left him he was pale, pale. He is now a lovely rosy color. They took the oxygen off of him too, because he's able to maintain good levels on his own. An hour after his midnight eating, his sugar level was 195 which for him is pretty good! The results of the pancreas ultrasound came back normal. At least his pancreas looks normal, if only it would act normal!

I'll return in a few hours and hopefully catch his doctors during the morning bedside rounds so I can listen in on their ideas and game plan for him.


Our little family said...

If you don't manage to catch the doctors during rounds, don't hesitate to ask the nurses extensive questions. Ask to see any notes the doctors made, and if you want, tell the nurses you want to talk to the doctor, and the doctor will come back when they can. At Utah Valley, they would get Katie's doctors and nurses together, and have a "family conference" whenever I wanted. Obviously, there are other patients that they see, but I found that they were very accomadating and always willing to talk to me and answer questions. The key is to be proactive, and don't be scared to ask. Remember that Isaac's chart is NOT top secret! You are free to look at it anytime you want, and question anything and everything they do and give him. You're his mother, not the nurses, so stick up for yourself. That was the biggest thing I learned while in the NICU. You'll never regret asking a question, but you will regret NOT asking one. I'm so glad he's looking better! I'm praying this gets resolved quickly.

Rachel Ellis said...

Thanks Kim. The nurses and doctors really are wonderful about explaining procedures, test results, answering our questions, and explaining what they want to do next. I just want to catch them when they are all together. I also haven't seen the specialists yet. We have been treated very well and kindly by everyone at Primary Children's.

Telitha said...

What a scary ordeal! We are praying for little Isaac! I'm so glad things are under control.