Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Home again

It took four flights to make one conference and four interviews in two weeks.  For me, that is a lot of travel.  Both flights to the bay area were out in the morning, back at night.  What a weird commute that would be.

I think all four of the companies I visited are interested, but one of them is rudderless -- in the institutional sense; they do seem to be good programmers.  Basically, it's a playground for some ex-first-N-google-employees guy and his brother, funded by the google guy.  It might be fun to dick around for a few months, pretending I was working for a real startup, but not longer than that.

So that leaves three from which to get a job by Oct 31.  My office is (almost) ready to rock.  Just need to clear a little more room for the scanner / fax...

(The "most thorough interview" award goes to Leapfrog Online, who kept me going from 9 AM to 5:30.  Although the others were not slouches; Mozilla was 10 to 5, and TruViso was 12 to 6:30, if you count the time where the CEO drove me to the airport on his way home.  The company with no direction took two hours.)

(The lady who checked me in at the hotel in Evanston was disappointed to learn that this is not the Leapfrog that makes the cool talking kids toys.)


abby said...

An interview with Mozilla? You're a Firefox.

Telitha said...

Okay, I got all excited when I saw you'd interviewed with Leapfrog, too.... what do they all do, anyway?

Tim Lesher said...

That makes three. How cool would it be for your kids to be able to say, "Leapster? Yeah, my dad did that one."