Sunday, October 26, 2008

Commentary on the blender

When Jonathan wrote "husband proof" there's a little background to that comment.

Jonathan is smart. Very, very smart. In fields that interest him such as programming, mathematics, and foreign languages, he is brilliant. It's a toss-up whether I married Jonathan for his brains or his exceptional good looks. :) Imagine my surprise then, early into our marriage when he found three "novel" ways to put together the blender. This blender had 4 pieces not including the base, and the lid. Twice he put the novel assembly to the test by turning the blender on- with predictable (messy) results. Granted the creative assemblies were discovered sheerly by accident. He really did intend to put it together correctly. After a few other similar incidences I came to the conclusion that the man is missing the mechanical gene.

If it needs to be put together, fixed, or built in the Ellis household, by general consensus that is now my job, or we hire a professional. Jonathan provides the brute strength for projects when necessary, under strict supervision. It works all right for us though, because I happen to like building things and using power tools. When Isaac gets a little bigger, I think I'll take a woodworking class.

1 comment:

Our little family said...

You should totally take a woodworking class. There's a woman in our ward who does some amazing stuff with things like old windows and shelves and headboards. Check my blog in a couple weeks for a picture of something that she is redoing for me. It is wonderful. She is so happy doing it. I think you'd be great at it.