Friday, October 24, 2008


Sometimes when I nurse Isaac he'll pop off and look up at me with his gorgeous, round blue eyes. With milk dribbling down his chin he will grin and coo, and we'll carry on a little back and forth conversation. Melts my heart. He is such a sweet natured and happy baby.

When pregnant with him I felt that he would be a patient, gentle soul. Had absolutely no idea whether he'd be a boy or girl, nor did I much care. I liked both varieties after all. (If pressed I'd guess girl, but I'm a lousy guesser! I should have just listened to Matthew.) In his short experience with life thus far, he has had to put up with more indignities and pain than a newborn should have to endure. Yet he has retained his pleasant demeanor and joie de vivre. Even after his shots, he'd still trust us and we could comfort him.

Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus
The diabetes is definitely in remission now. We no longer have to check his glucose regularly. We do have to be on the watch for future signs of diabetes. However, life is so much easier! I don't have that constant worry like a foreboding storm cloud. Is his glucose too high? Too low? How long has it been since he's eaten? Can't feed him until we check his glucose. His numbers are borderline do we give him the Humilin, or wait and see? Then there were the worries about the future. How do we introduce solids? Will be ever be able to leave him with another person? How do you find a sitter who's an RN? All of those worries are cleared off of our plates for now. It's a tremendous relief! Odds are that If the diabetes returns, it won't be until he's a teen at the earliest. At worst we've been given a nice long reprieve. We're forewarned, and I think we're capable of dealing with it again should the need arise...



Didi said...

Motherhood is the most beautiful thing on Earth.

It is really nice to know that its all over. :)

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

Yeah, that is such good news!! I can't even imagine having to go through all that - you guys deserve a big break!!