Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Matthew tricks his dad

I took Matthew upstairs to tuck him in last night, but Rachel had stripped it for washing.  When I tuck the kids in I am done with that part of the day, mentally.  So I pragmatically tossed a non-fitted sheet on the bed and went off to find a blanket.  Returning, I saw Matthew curled up under the sheet.  He often falls asleep with his head entirely covered, but that makes him sweaty, so I pulled the sheet down before putting the blanket on him.

It wasn't Matthew; it was a large Santa doll he'd been playing with!  Matthew jumped out of the closet, giggling at my surprise.  "I tricked you!  It's not April Fool's, but I didn't want you to forget being tricked!"

Matthew has "tricked" us many times already but this is the first time that the wool was really over my eyes.  He was tickled to death.

1 comment:

jeremy said...

That's awesome :-). I tried to trick my Dad once when he was coming in to spank me. I was about 4 years old and I had the wonderful idea of putting an encyclopedia in my pajama bottom. When he came in, I was ready for any kind of spanking. Unfortunately, my bottom was quite a bit smaller than the book... he took it out to my chagrin and I got the spanking :-P.