Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The dark side of Netflix

Rachel's mom got me a netflix subscription for my birthday.  (Thanks, Mom!)  Netflix lets you create sub-accounts, so we made Rachel one and put her in charge of one of the discs.

All was well until she put High School Musical at the top of her queue.

I will only say that "Never watch a movie that went straight to DVD" is a philosophy that will save you a lot of grief.  Not to mention, "Never watch a movie whose main fans are pre-teen girls."  The one bright spot was the eerie resemblance one of the main characters bears to a family member.  Spooky.

Rachel claims that this was only fair, after I made her watch MST3k, but I think that HSM violated the doctrine of proportional response.

1 comment:

Rachel Ellis said...

Ok, ok, you were right. It was that bad!

Still, I got some entertainment value out of mocking it as it spiraled downhill. :p