Friday, December 19, 2008

Isaac Rolls Over

He started rolling over about a week ago, Daddy was the first to see him do it. I didn't see him roll over until yesterday. Jonathan says Isaac appeared quite surprised the first time he ended up on his tummy. Yesterday when Isaac flipped over it was clearly with intent. He curled his legs up, turned to his side, then reached with his hands towards a toy with all his might.

He's getting bigger! Time to start baby proofing.

I thought Melissa rolled over much earlier, but I read back in the archives and she was just shy of four months when she first rolled. Matthew I know rolled over early, he was just three months. He was a wiry, busy baby (and he had roughly 5 pounds less to move than Isaac does).

I'm a little wistful. I'd like him to stay my little baby a while longer, but he seems determined to grow and do. Which is how it's supposed to be... I guess.

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