Saturday, December 13, 2008

I like this one!

Isaac was just born happy.  I'm still amazed every day by what a pleasant little boy he is.  He hardly ever cries, and when he does, it's for a reason.  When he is cranky, 90% of the time rocking, bouncing, or nursing will get him down for the nap he needs.

This is not to say he is completely cooperative with his parents' wishes.  Right now, for instance, we wish he were asleep.  He is not.  He is lying next to Rachel, quite awake.  But he is content to just be near her, not demanding anything in particular.

Twice this week, he got up about 5:00 and played with me for about an hour.  Then when he was tired, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in my arms.  No fighting.  No yelling.  Just a content baby boy.


Rachel points out that on more than one occasion I joked that if God wanted us to have more children, number three had better be easy.  Only I wasn't really joking.  "You have to admit that's what we got."  "I don't know," I said.  "2 weeks in the NICU wasn't exactly easy.  That's more like mixed messages."  But I do admit that even including the hospitalization he's averaged a whole lot easier than his predecessors.  So, as with the first three, I'll follow Rachel's lead for number four.  Which, I suppose, is as it should be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a good egg, Jonathan Ellis!