Monday, September 01, 2008

Long Night

So we are checking glucoses every three hours or whenever Isaac gets hungry. At 2 AM we check Isaac's sugar, I change him, Jonathan gives him his sodium (salty milk, mmm!), I nurse him, change him again, suction his stuffy nose (thanks for sharing Melissa), and settle him back to sleep. 4:30 he's hungry again, Jonathan is conked out (poor man hasn't been getting enough sleep), so I repeat the whole process. Then I pump and doctor a breast because I have a sore spot that I don't want getting worse... Noticed a light on behind a child's door. Check up on it. Said child is wet. Change sheets, change child's pajamas and retuck into bed. Isaac is awake again, congested. Suction his nose once again. Rock him back to sleep and he and I go to bed sometime after 6. Get up at 8 check sugars again.

Decide a nap is prudent. Go back to sleep.

Whoever coined the phrase "sleeping like a baby," clearly never had children. I think I will look at sleep as a series of naps...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a good thing Jonathan has that goofy sleep schedule already.