Saturday, September 20, 2008

Call Me Vain But...

When I hear, "Wow, you look good...for just having had a baby!" I think hmm, it would be even nicer to hear, "Wow, you look good!"

Period. No qualifier.

Sigh. Someday my clothes will fit again.


Our little family said...

I'm sure you look great, you've always looked great after having your kids, and not just because you just had a baby! Does that make sense? :) We want to come see you on Tuesday, I have to make a trip to the airport to get my mom. Her flight gets in at 12:30, so we'd stop by before then. Send me an email and let me know if that will work for you. I have something I made for Isaac.

I'm addicted to blogs too! Rusty will ask me whose blog I'm looking at, and he laughs when I say, "Just some random person I stumbled on." I am addicted to blogs of moms of multiples. Morbidly fascinating, because one baby is hard enough, let alone four!

I'm glad to hear there's some hope that Isaac will outgrow the diabetes. I completely understand the second guessing everything, and being cautious about getting your hopes up. We live with that every day. It's a fine line. I think I'm being taught how to be happy with what I have, and not letting my happiness hinge on "things" and circumstances, but on who I am. Anyway, sorry for the novel. I hope we can see you this week.

Rachel Ellis said...

I'd love to see you! I'll send you an email. :)

Unknown said...

I get the "You're smart for a blond"...Should I be offended?

Renee said...

You are gorgeous! ALWAYS! ;)