Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Kindergarten Update

Matthew was bursting with news when I picked him up today from kindergarten.
"Mom! I was the student of the day!"
"I made a new friend today. He and I played a game of silly sounds like this [Matthew demonstrates] while waiting for you to pick me up."
"Mrs. Waite liked my handwriting!"
"We still did baby math, it was boring. We did some not boring stuff too though."
"In the boys bathroom the door squeaked like a mouse. The other boys and me were a little scared, but we thought 'bout what we'd do if we caught a mouse."
"I played firefighter with this girl. She's nice, but kind of weird. She gave me three hugs! That's weird, huh?" "What was her name?" I asked. "I don't know. But she sits next to me."

This is just a small sample of his stories. He chattered for a good 30 minutes. It's very hard not to chuckle here and there while he recounts his day, but I managed to restrain myself (mostly) lest he think I was laughing at him. He takes himself rather seriously.

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