Friday, June 29, 2007

Shooting Aliens

A couple weeks ago I got my first "real" PS3 game.  I've actually bought several games from the online store, but none of the full $60 games really seemed worth it to me.  Finally Resistance got down to under $30 used so I picked up a copy, not coincidentally before Rachel's brothers came out for Chris's MTC induction -- Brian introduced me to Halo a couple years ago; I figured I should return the favor.

I'm hooked.  The plot isn't as gripping as Halo's (whose is?), but it's above average for the genre.  And the game itself delivers.  I'm enjoying myself immensely.

Rachel even played co-op with me for one session and admitted that "it wasn't as bad as I expected."  Which for her is pretty high praise of an FPS.

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