Sunday, August 9th was Dad's retirement. Dad's unit was there, as were a fair number of the big brass from the base, and many friends and family members. Dad is highly respected and well loved. To my great disappointment, Isaac did not make it through much of the ceremony. He started to squawk right at the beginning, so we spent the time walking the hallway. I was able to hear bits and pieces in between finding novel ways to keep the baby from getting bored (and loud). Sigh. What I did hear was quite nice.
Andrea sang the Star Spangled Banner (all verses!). That girl has a great set of pipes!
I am very proud of my Dad. He is a good man and patriot. After he served his time in the Army, he didn't have to join the Air Force Reserves, but chose to out of a sense of duty and love of country. I think the opportunities to fly around in really cool jets was the icing on the cake. He also truly loves people and has a great sense of humor and a flair for pranks. Whenever anyone finds out I'm his daughter they get a twinkle in their eye, laugh, and relate some interesting anecdote. I hear what a nice guy he is all the time. Nurses, airmen, fellow docs, technicians, cashiers, random people in the store; they all like Dad.
After the ceremony, my parents had prepared grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings for the entire unit. Some friends, neighbors, and family helped put it together. My Dad wanted everyone included, and there were a LOT of people. Around 150, I'm guessing.
Isaac liked the ice chests. Moving pieces of ice from one chest to the other amused him for 15 minutes at least. Here he is in his little flight suit. The recruits get younger and younger every year!
Dad with Grandma and Grandpa:
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