Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Night the Tooth Came Out

Well, about 5:15 AM to be precise. It's still dark outside, so I consider it night. Matthew came bounding in our bedroom, "Mom, Dad! I need a bag." "No Matthew you do not need a bag, go back to sleep." "Yes I do! My tooth came out!" "Ugh. Oh...that's great Matthew! How about getting a cup and putting it in that?" "OK!" He was so cheerful and happy at such an ungodly hour. I got up and tucked him back in bed. "See Mom? See?" He proudly showed me the gap in his mouth. Since the tooth came out so gradually there was no blood. I hadn't seen that before, because when I was a kid my Dad would "help" by pulling slightly wiggly teeth out right away. Later, I pulled my own teeth after a few days.

"You're getting to be a big boy, Matthew. That's really cool. Now it's time to sleep. You can tell me all about it in the morning." He went back to bed delighted. Today he's shown everyone we've come across his gaping smile. So now his gym class knows, and some neighbors know. He is quite pleased.

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