Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Let's play a game

While Rachel was at the doctor's yesterday and Matthew was at his friend Mason's house, I took Melissa outside to play on the neighbor's trampoline.

We jumped around for a while, but that got old. "You play a dame [game] me," she proposed.

"What game should we play?"

That stumped her for a bit, but not long. "We play Horsey Dame!"

"But I don't know how to play Horsey Game!"

"Play Horsey Dame!"

In the end, of course, she won. So I pranced about, making giddyup noises, and with neighs I would swoop down and grab Melissa and tickle her. She thought Horsey Game was great.

But all good things must come to an end and Daddy got tired of Horsey Game. Melissa was not done. "Play Tiger Dame!" So I prowled about growling. And tickling, of course. A good time was had by all, until the tiger was pooped.

One more game had to be played. Pony Game! Wait, isn't a pony a horse? I decided that a pony went clop clop clop instead of giddyup.

And then I dragged Melissa inside kicking and screaming (well, actually: threw her over my shoulder yelling but not kicking much) because it was 3 PM and I didn't want her to get sunburned.

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