Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ask Savage Peanut: where would you buy a farm?

Not a farm farm, really, but five or six acres where Rachel can get a tractor and grow stuff as a hobby.  I had kind of pegged this as a "distant future" goal but Rachel tells me it is not too soon to start thinking about this.  

Thinking out loud:

Thoughts?  Suggestions?


abby said...

The appeal of the South probably comes from the fact you can find cheap land and the soil is very fertile in certain areas. Also, they have a longer growing season. Fall doesn't truly come to Virginia until November. If you hate heat and humidity, the South isn't for you.

The main problem with Utah is the water shortages. Historically, it has always been a problem in the Rocky Mountain West and it still is a problem today. I have some friends that have land in Marysville, UT. Maybe you should check it out.

Tim Lesher said...

Central PA is a decent bet. Slightly better weather than New England, and land is still reasonably available and inexpensive north of Harrisburg.

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

Ok, so just throwing out a random state, say, uh, Texas, the Houston area to be more precise, seems like a nice area!! Lots of land, hot summers, but bearable with swimming pools and air conditioning. And let's not forget, your favorite cousins just happen to live there!!

Telitha said...

I wish I knew where we were going to be next year and I would tell you to move there!