Thursday, July 31, 2008

An interview with Matthew

(Thanks to Cameo for the questions.)

What does Mommy always say to you?

Clean my room and help her and be good.

What makes Mommy happy?

Being nice and being good.

What makes Mommy sad?

Not being nice, and being mean.

How does Mommy make you laugh?

Do funny stuff.

What kind of funny stuff?

Funny faces, I think.

What was Mommy like when she was little?

I don't know, but she told me she made mud pies.

How old is Mommy?


How tall is Mommy?

Taller than me.

What does Mommy like to do?

Help and make dinner.

What is something Mommy doesn't like to do?

Keep telling you to stop.

What is Mommy's job?

Do dishes, fold laundry, and ... pull out the weeds of her garden.

What is Mommy's favorite food?

She has lots of favorite foods. I don't know. But I know one; that's salad.

What is Mommy's favorite color?

I think it's green.

What do you and Mommy like to do together?

Play. But sometimes she's busy.

What do you like to play with Mommy?

I always forget.

How do you know Mommy loves you?

Because I love her.

1 comment:

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

So cute!! It's so funny to hear what little kids come up with and what they are thinking!!