Monday, July 21, 2008

Comrade Matthew

Matthew and Melissa both got a blow-pop at the Jello Festival Saturday night.  (Which deserves a post of its own, and that one has Rachel's name on it.)  I let them eat the blow-pops on Sunday morning.  Matthew claimed that his was giving him headaches, and threw it away, but Melissa licked at hers with relish until she was close to the bubblegum center.

Matthew tried to convince her to give him the gum.  I intervened: "That is Melissa's lollipop.  It is her gum."

"But it's not fair!  I don't have any gum!"

"That's because you threw yours away.  You both got one; that's fair."

"It gave me a headache!"  Grumbles: "it would be fair if Melissa threw hers away, too."

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