We were in Washington a week ago. Matthew and Melissa had been looking forward to that trip for ages (well
forever and
ever in little boy time). While there we went to Northwest Trek with Grandma, played in the pool nearly every day, watched plenty of movies, and went to the park. At Northwest Trek Matthew was enamored with a raccoon. The raccoon seemed equally intrigued by Matthew. Here's one of three pictures Matthew took of the same raccoon.

What is amusing is that Matthew could have seen raccoons right on Grandma's back porch stealing the cat food at night. We had bison pass so close to the tram we were in that we could have petted it if we were so foolish. Both Melissa and Matthew seemed to really enjoy the animals. We took them there 2 years ago, but they had much more fun this time around. Matthew took quite a few pictures (some of which I posted on our flickr site). I decided that we only needed so many shots of the same wolverine or deer after all.
Perhaps the highlight of the trip as far as Matthew was concerned was riding on the tractor with Grandpa and "helping" Grandpa with his work. He came bounding up to me part way through, "Mom! I'm having SO much fun!"

The fireworks on the Fourth were a close second though... What little boy (or girl for that matter) doesn't love fireworks?
The day after the 4th we flew back. Melissa was very very distraught after she discovered we were going home. She was fine on the plane, but when we went to the baggage carousels she realized we were not going back to Grandma's house. "I don't wan' go home!!! I wan' go to Gran'ma's house!!!" Great were the tears. She had a really good time and wasn't ready for all the fun to be over.
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