Sunday, January 11, 2009

She's on a rampage

She's on a rampage
Originally uploaded by jbellis
Rachel was fed up with fighting the kids about cleaning their rooms.
We decided to move all the toys to "the kids' area" at the top of the
upstairs landing. While she was at it , she unboxed the rest of the
upstairs, assembled a new toy chest for Matthew and two bookcases, and
re-arranged our furniture.

Unfortunately, I don't have a "before" picture, but here is the kids'
area "after."


abby said...

Matthew has Rock Band! I want to be his friend. :)

Jonathan Ellis said...

Rock Band was _Daddy's_ present. But Matthew can play too. :)

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

You gotta love the "game rooms" in Texas homes!! It's so convenient when you have kids!!