I took Isaac to the endocrine clinic a few days ago. It's at a teaching hospital so we saw 4 doctors. The fellow (training to be a pediatric endocrinologist) did Isaac's assessment, history, and plan. She had a resident with her. The fellow was very well informed about UPD6 and even some obscure long term possibilities (way down the road) like HFE-associated hereditary hemochromatosis. I was very pleased with the research she'd put into it, and felt like we were on the same page. After she did her evaluation, the endocrinologist came in for a few minutes with an intern.
Since his diabetes is in remission right now, there isn't as much to be concerned about. In times of illness his blood glucose may spike, so we were given a script for insulin and advised to monitor him closely when he's sick. The fellow demonstrated how to dilute insulin at home so we won't have to rely on a special pharmacy on a weekend. Simple enough. It's all in a bag which I hope I won't have to open. It is reassuring to have it though, in the event...
Isaac is growing well! He's long, 75th percentile, and chunky, 90th percentile. His doctors feel that he is right where he should be as far as growth is concerned. They also did an A1c, which was 5.6. He's well within normal, non-diabetic, limits.
At the clinic, he was a terrible flirt. He charmed the nurse who measured and poked him. "Aww, what a cute little fellow you are!" He flashed gummy grins at all of the doctors, and kicked and squealed with delight when they smiled back at him. You can't help but grin at this happy, social baby.
He is SO CUTE in a hat! And so happy. I'm so glad that his check up was good. How often will he have to go to the clinic for check ups? Katie's getting her kidneys checked again in two weeks, and eye surgery at the end of February.
Sorry about the flooding sink. That stinks. Is it a plumbing problem? We've had to deal with a lot of flooding in rentals. Not a lot of fun.
So cute!! I love his eyes - they just really stand out with their bright blue!! I'm glad he's doing so well.
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