Saturday, January 31, 2009


Not the worst injury I've had, but the dumbest.  (And I seem to have a lot of dumb ones.)
Coming down with a cold tonight.  Throat has that "I'm going to be sore tomorrow" itch.  Feeling a little crummy.  So I accept Rachel's offer of a heated rice sock.
Lean back into the couch with the rice sock at the back of my neck.  Ahhh.  Shoot the stuffing out of some insects in Savage Moon.  (I've realized that I've become a casual gamer.  There's too many interruptions to play games that you can't pick up and drop in bite size pieces.  Never thought it would happen to me...)
Twenty minutes later when I came out of my game zone, my neck hurt.  Not an achy hurt but a specific, localized hurt.  Rachel looked at it: I'd gotten a blister, and popped it, from too much heat while concentrating on the game.
Yes, video games really are that distracting.  Good ones, at least.


Our little family said...

A couple months ago, I warmed up some stuffed mushrooms then popped one in my mouth. I'd only done about 45 seconds, and there were four of them, so I thought I was safe. It hurt, but wasn't unbearable. A couple minutes later my mouth felt funny and started to hurt. I looked in, and the entire roof of my mouth was a bleeding, peeling blister. It hurt for a month. That's what comes from eating too fast!

Unknown said...

Don't use a ice gel pack while playing video games then.

Rachel Ellis said...

I'm wincing, Kim. Yee-ouch!