Thursday, January 01, 2009


  • I kicked the new year off with a bang: I had my Cheerios in whole milk. Hell yes!
  • Monkey see, monkey do: I complimented Matthew on his balance on Mommy's wobble board -- he's really quite good. As soon as he got off, Melissa jumped on to show her stuff. (Not as impressive.)
  • We are now a two-TV family: I got a CRT SDTV at wal-mart for the kids' room. That way, the kids can watch DVDs while the adults do something downstairs. More importantly, I can play Rock Band and Guitar Hero. (Rachel does not want the instruments in her living room.)
  • It's fun watching the kids discover things for the first time. Recently they tasted sherbet and loved it. (I'm not sure why it took six years -- I don't think Rachel is a big sherbet fan.) They are also enjoying pop-tarts as part of Operation Get Melissa Some Calories. I never had pop-tarts as a kid and now I am too old. (To my aged taste, they are far too sweet, but kids would eat sugar with a spoon if you let them.)
  • Isaac looks like he's on track to sleep through the night by the time he's two, just like his brother and sister.
  • When Matthew's mouth starts moving, the rest of him stops. He and Melissa are supposed to help me with the kitchen, and usually Matthew does a lot more than his sister since he's that much more capable. But last night he would not shut up, and Melissa and I did the whole thing while he stood by the silverware drawer chatting and not putting silverware away. As I recall, his subject was how he was going to save up for an iPhone and how cool it was going to be. It's a good thing that anticipation is part of the fun, because that's all he's going to have for a long, long time.
  • Matthew has been trying to work "heck" into his vocabulary Just Like Daddy. (Sorry, Abby -- that's as strong as my language gets around the kids.) He's not very good at it: "What is heck that?" he will ask. Or this morning: "What is heck smells burning?"
  • On the phone with Dad the other day, he mentioned that he liked to get us presents he wanted when he was a kid. Me too! That's why Matthew has so many video games.


Tim Lesher said...

Funny how they get attached to words like that... when Brynn was 4, she took great delight in replacing "What's that?" in her vocabulary with "What's the heck of it?"

Didn't quite parse, but whatever.

abby said...

Aw heck...I'm glad you guys don't swear in front of your kids. I learned all my swearing in elementary school since I didn't have a sibling near my age to teach me.