Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Melissisms

When shown by her Daddy how to play a game that was a little too tricky for her yet, "Daddy, I just a small girl."

If asked to do something she doesn't want to do we'll hear a sad voice, "Mama, I got a belly ache. I need to go to da doctor." (It doesn't work, instead if she's "sick" she can lie down for a nap.)

At an Italian restaurant: "Can I have macaroni pizza?" (meaning pepperoni)

"Daddy! Look! Mommy made pony hair!" She twirled around to show off the pony tail. She actually likes having her hair done now and insists on it every day. I kind of wish she wanted it just brushed and in ringlets, but she wants a hair-do.

They grow up so fast. Melissa announced to me that on her next birthday she'll turn 20! Whatever happened to years 4-19?

Every day we walk to Matthew's school to pick him up in the afternoons. We pass a man with his two golden retrievers on the way each day and Melissa has to pet them. They stand as tall as Melissa and are extremely kid-tolerant. She's not a bit afraid of those two big dogs. She hugs them, chatters at them as if they can understand her (who knows? perhaps they can) and giggles if they lick her cheek.

Since the job market is rather tight right now and is likely to remain tight for princess applicants for the foreseeable future, Jon and I are trying to direct Melissa's attention to more practical/productive career paths. Her dress up box is going to contain more than frilly dresses and ridiculous jewelery. I found some adorable pink scrubs (with a working stethoscope!) for Melissa to dress up as a doctor or nurse. I can't wait to give them to her on her birthday. She informed me a few days ago that she wanted to work with computers Just Like Daddy when she grows up. We'd be in favor of that. A programmer's uniform is pretty simple though, a free t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Voila!


Jonathan Ellis said...

You do have to pay money for most really first-class t-shirts, though!

Telitha said...

They're getting so big! I was baking with James and he was mooching the butter, too (which I think is gross--I can't stand plain butter!)