Monday, April 07, 2008

Seven Years

Yesterday was our anniversary. Seven years ago on a very windy, cloudy day we married. We had a simple luncheon afterwards for friends and family, and then we went home to put our little rented house in order. It wasn't an elaborate or expensive affair, but it was sweet. What a happy day! I couldn't imagine being happier, or more in love...

A lot has happened in those years.

I think now of all the times he has held me in his arms as I've cried or ranted and offered me comfort.

I see him in the middle of night tucking a little one into bed, once again.

I hear him coming home and the kids shouting "Daddy! Daddy!" And even though he's bone tired he plays with them. He tosses them high in the air, chases them through the house, and admires all the projects they have done that day. The highlight of the day is when Daddy comes home.

I feel his chest rise and fall as I rest my head on it, and we talk both of things of great importance and completely inconsequential.

I watch him take off at odd hours in the evening to the store to retrieve a craving that I absolutely must have. I feel his hands as he holds back my hair when I throw up with morning (all day) sickness.

I hear him singing a happy song about his wife and his kids.

I feel his hands on my head offering a blessing to me.

I listen to him read the scriptures to us each morning.

I hear his praise for my meals, even the ones that didn't turn out right. Never once has he complained about my cooking or housekeeping.

I doze through small happy sounds as he watches the kids each morning so I can rest a little longer.

I watch as he trudges through the snow to shovel the walks of a neighbor or the church. He does this cheerfully even.

I wave goodbye to him and the kids one evening a week so that I can play in an orchestra. (Matthew and Melissa love Daddy night.)

I am happily surprised when he shows up with a bouquet of flowers, some decadent chocolate, or a new game he thought I'd enjoy. This for no reason at all other than he loves me. I smile when I remember others warning me that he wouldn't do that anymore after we married.

I think of when he took care of me, the kids, work, and the house when I was so sick. He had a deadline at work and stayed up late in the evening to make up for time.

I see him tenderly rocking his new baby and singing softly.

I hear him talking to Matthew about how to show respect for his mother and warning him that "...she is MY Wife and Sweetheart!"

I remember the thousands of small kindnesses in action and word.

And I am more in love than ever.

Thank you Jonathan, it's been great. I look forward to many more years together!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you two! What a pleasure to see a marriage work out in this world of ours. I wish you many more happy years together.


Rachel Ellis said...
