Monday, April 14, 2008

San Antonio halftime report

San Antonio is, as I told Grant on the phone, "not as green as Washington, but almost as green as New Jersey." The older neighborhoods are full of 100 year old oaks and very pleasant and shady. Our realtor said that most builders now don't want to deal with that and just rip everything down. Another reason to avoid modern cookie-cutter style developments.

Our realtor didn't give us demographic information (I forgot to ask), but I suspect that the nice older neighborhoods we were in today are full of mostly older people, and the people our age are all in the McBland developments far away from downtown. If we can find a rental with four bedrooms, that might be our best bet to live near people our age and reasonably close to Rackspace.

The roads here are mostly East coast style, which is to say narrow. But traffic has mostly been fine, even today at 6 PM. People stay closer to the speed limit than in Utah. This bugs me a little. I'm such a type A driver that while following our real estate agent I purely out of habit started changing to an empty lane coming up to a light so I could gun it and blow past the slowpoke in the PT Cruiser. Then I realized what I was doing and stayed behind our agent. Rachel noticed, correctly interpreted what had happened, and laughed at me.

San Antonio has at least one Mennonite church, which we know because we drove past it. ("In an area called the Westside that is 98% Hispanic and known as low income," and about a mile from our hotel. Sounds about right.)

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