Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day of School

Matthew and Melissa started a new school this year.  We're moving 10 minutes away and they are attending a brand-new gorgeous school that opened this year.

All cleaned up and ready to go!

Isaac is attending a speech therapy preschool.  He has the same teacher and speech therapist as last year, and they really liked him.  Even more importantly, he really likes them.  He was not ready for the new school year to begin, however.  "I stay home you!" he protested when it was time for him to get on the bus.  Oh, there were tears and struggles, but he was launched unto the bus under duress.  So much for taking a cute picture of him getting onto the bus!  When he got home, however, he was all smiles.  And wiggles.

Isaac back from his first day of preschool
Isaac wearing his favorite penguin shirt.  Why yes, he does have quite the collection of penguin shirts, doesn't everyone?

The kids have attended school for three days, and today I got a phone call from the school.  Apparently Matthew was supposed to be in the other classroom since he will be in the talented and gifted program for math and science.  All the "TAG" kids are in the classroom next door to his current class so they can be pulled easily from the classroom for their supplemental subjects.  Matthew was just dejected when I picked him up from school today.  This year he has a male teacher and Matthew thinks he is just the coolest, nicest teacher ever.  The class he will move into is also taught by a man, but Matthew is pretty disappointed about switching classrooms.  Sure hope it is a good move for him.  He will be with a lot of other smart kids and that will surely be good.

Melissa seems to be enjoying school.  She is great at making friends and is a lovable little person, so  I suspect she will thrive.  No calls yet from the principal, we'll see if my little spitfire tests the boundaries again this year...

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