"DA!" is dog.
"NO!" Usually accompanied by vigorous head shaking. Funny how this was an early word for M&M too.
"Dan 'ou" is thank you.
"Uh oh!" This is perhaps his favorite word. He finds many opportunities during the day to use it, and is more often than not the cause of the uh oh. Busy boy.
"Air eh ehs!" or There it is! Usually said with a squeal after finding something.
"Aw eva" is au revoir? This last one we're not certain...
His words are very tonal, almost how I imagine Chinese babies sounding. In addition to words, Isaac likes to make car sounds whenever he is pushing a toy car with his hand. He also "roars" when he's pretending to be an animal on all fours.
We've known for a long time that he understands a lot of what we are saying to him, so we knew the that language was getting in; it was just a matter of him being able to get it out. I even started signing a few signs with him belatedly in hopes he would be able to communicate at least that way. He can sign "more" and "milk" and I wish I'd started much sooner. French, English, ASL, we didn't care which he chose, just communicate kiddo!
Recently he's grasped the difference between "mine" and "yours" in the game, "Where's my nose; where's your nose?" His favorite body part is the belly button.
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