Sunday, March 07, 2010


  • When Rachel blogs, it's something she does to get closer to her friends and her kids. When I blog, it's an achievement: "Pow! I kicked that post's butt!"
  • The Snack Filing Cabinets at work have turned into a Snack Conference Room. How this is supposed to deal with the Snack Shrinkage that introduced the locks on the cabinets, I don't know.
  • Matthew is convinced both Mom and Dad insisting that there's no such thing as "the largest numbers" means either (a) we're playing a joke we're on him or (b) we just don't know.
  • Trading lunch ingredients is verboten at Matthew's school. <3 Nanny state.
  • Me: "Gratuitous Space Battles! Sounds interesting." Rachel: "You're supposed to be working on your church talk."
  • I met a guy at PyCon who likes to take his family to go live in Germany for 6 weeks at a time. Explore during the day, work at his normal job during US business hours (~4 PM to midnight). That's a pretty awesome idea.
  • Speaking of PyCon, in four days I gave one tutorial, one official talk, one open space talk, and participated in one panel presentation
  • Had to sign a liability release to use the company gym. Ahh, red tape.
  • My sister: "how do you get a two year old to take a bath if he doesn't want to?" Me: "you take off his clothes and put him in the tub." I don't think that was the answer she was looking for.
  • Isaac was falling-down tired and cranky, so I took him for a drive. Amazing how slowly the world goes by when you are consciously attempting to stay under the speed limit. (It worked: Isaac fell asleep, and I didn't get a ticket.)
  • It's a little depressing how quickly Matthew has ossified into English-only. Watching one of Isaac's videos showing hippopotomuses playing and a voiceover intoning "los hipopotamos," he asked, "what does that mean?"
  • I believe I am now the only member of my immediate or extended family to have a warrant issued for his arrest. (Citation for no front license plate that I went to court, took care of, and some data entry clerk typed in the wrong resolution. Four months later a warrant was automatically issued. I kid you not.)
  • I was about to get a CD as a birthday present for the sixteen year old son of a friend. But then I thought, "Wait, he probably doesn't know what those are."
  • Me, after watching the princess and the frog: "Melissa! Did you know Mommy is my princess?" Melissa: "No! I'm your princess!"

1 comment:

GoodReason said...

Well, we all knew it was but a matter of time til there was a warrant out for your arrest . . . We figured one day the press would interview your friends and family, and we'd get to make up some colorful stories about your past!