Saturday, March 06, 2010

A hungry Isaac is a grumpy Isaac

Originally uploaded by jbellis
I took Isaac to wal-mart with me about 6 tonight, and we'd barely gotten started when he began crying and trying to climb out of the cart onto me. He is too big to carry for a whole shopping expedition so I sat him in the cargo area where he continued to cry.

Besides the food Rachel had on my list, I was also getting Good Cereal, because Rachel never buys that. So I was pulling down cereal boxes and when I got to Oatmeal Squares, one of the cereals Isaac likes to eat for breakfast, he started reaching out his hand and going "mmm! mmm!" And when I put a box in the cart he started trying to tear it open with his teeth.

At first I did what I usually do when Isaac gets into something he shouldn't, and took it away. Of course he started crying again, so I did a quick cost/benefit calculation and opened it up for him and gave it back. He sat down with his box of Oatmeal Squares and ate them happily for the next half hour.

1 comment:

Renee said...

now THAT is smart thinkin'!