Pictures as promised:

Aren't they a gorgeous couple?

Melissa generously shared her tic tacs with everyone. Good thing too, because there was some smooching going on! Imagine that!

I just love this shot I took of Andrea when she was leaning over to chat with Melissa. What a beautiful bride!

Here's a shot of Mom holding up the train. The dress was a BEAST to bustle. There were six hidden loops to attached to 6 hidden buttons. Mom and I helped dress Andrea. I accidentally pulled one of the loops a little too hard and we had to do some quick stitching on the loop. Thank goodness the dress was fine, just the ribboned loop broke. I'm glad I was able to "help" with the dressing, even though I was more hindrance than help. It was so neat to be there for my sister.

Matthew played the part of photographer as well. He was quite insistent on poses. The older kids humored him though.

Melissa had fun climbing on the statues. The day couldn't have been better for pictures. It was just a bit overcast so no one was squinting, no wind, and the rain didn't start until that evening. Then it rained for the rest of our stay in Washington. Naturally.

Andrea had "something old and something new, something borrowed and something blue," of course. She wore our great-grandma Hume's crocheted shawl for old. I think the shoes counted as new? The something blue was the beautiful aquamarine (her birthstone) promise ring that Jeremy gave her until he could get the engagement ring. For borrowed she used my wedding veil! I'm quite pleased about that. I designed that veil myself and am so glad that it was used once again. Unlike many veils, it's one continuous oval piece with a simple lace trim. Unfortunately I don't have a very good picture of it, but here's another great one of Andrea.

Speaking of traditions I taped a penny to her shoe for good luck and fortune. Silly me. Still, may they be happy and prosperous!
With that I think I'll end our 1,000 SP post. Can't think of a better post for that milestone.
Thanks for posting the pictures, Rachel. They indeed do make a stunning couple-and look so happy!!
I love the wedding pics! Great dress, great flowers, great kids, great couple! I'm glad you survived the trip with three kids... I hope Isaac is better soon!
Beautiful! Is this your sister that I met once?
Hi Aunt Candy! We missed you!
We did survive the trip. I should post about flying solo with 3 kids sometime. Isaac is doing better, thanks. :)
Yes, you did meet Andrea. She and Jeremy both seemed really happy on their wedding day. A good sign.
Wow, Andrea looks so beautiful and happy. I'm glad everything went well for them. I'm glad you posted pictures, too, so we can enjoy even though we couldn't be there.
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