Monday, June 02, 2008

A Hairy Sunday

Matthew had to give a talk for primary. I tried to con Jonathan into writing one for him (even though it was my turn- he wrote the last one). Being good natured, and unable to bathe or get kids dressed for church he consented. His first attempt seemed geared towards adults. "Jon! This is for primary kids! They aren't going to understand that." His second attempt was... well less than grammatically correct and didn't really make sense. He fixed the grammar issues, but it still didn't make much sense. I wonder if it was residual lortab acting up? Resigned, I relieved him of talk writing duty.

Matthew and I read over the talk I wrote several times and we pronounced it good. Both kids were clean, dressed, and ready to go and we had 15 minutes still before we needed to leave. Plus I wrote a talk and reviewed it with Matthew. Sweet! Was I good!

However, things had become eerily quiet... An abnormal state in the Ellis household, except when children are sleeping- and I was pretty sure Melissa was NOT sleeping. Tracking down Melissa, Jon and I found her in her room. She proudly displayed her shorn toy, "I cut pony's hair!" Whew! Could have been worse. Where does this kid find scissors? Except...wait a minute! "Melissa you cut your hair...AGAIN?!" There were little blond curls on the floor and liberated curls still draped on her head and shoulders. I took her to the bathroom with a brush to better assess the damage. She took more off of the front but the rest of the haircut was dispersed all over her head. Sigh.

We were late to church.

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