(Photos taken 2014-09-24.)
Matthew was nicknamed "Peanut" by his mother shortly after birth. How shortly, we're not really sure anymore; within the first few sleep-deprived days is all we remember. Matthew never did go through that period of sleeping all the time that baby books tell you newborns are supposed to have. Since his first abnormally alert days he's just become more and more active, and at some point his uncle Grant conferred upon him the moniker Savage.
I didn't expect to see someone mount a jet engine on a smart car at the monster truck rally. (Middle picture.) The driver claimed it's street legal at 1500 hp, but it can only do 95 mph before it starts to lift off.
He had a pretty snazzy pants-and-vest combo as a baby, but this is his first bona fide suit. He wears it pretty well; he's starting to develop wiry muscles and is denser than he looks.
I've been teaching him the basics of suit etiquette: don't close the bottom button. Unbutton completely when you sit down. Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve. (Kidding.)
Played some fun games of Dominion with Ben and Jessica Galbraith. Rachel was busy playing Civilization when we started, and rather than interrupt that, she played both simultaneously. Maybe that is why Ben and I were able to win a game...
I was pleased with myself when BandsInTown notified my that Bishop Allen would be playing Saturday night. I got tickets well in advance, Rachel arranged a babysitter, and it was a date! 9:00 start time meant we had plenty of time for a dinner downtown first.
That was the last thing that went right. We got to the venue (read: bar) shortly after 8:30. The band was warming up inside, but they weren't letting anyone in yet. We crossed under the overpass to get some cold water from a convenience store, and circled back to find it open.
9:00. 9:30. 10:00 passed. Still no band. No air conditioning or chairs, either. We gave them a few minutes for good measure, then called Uber to drive us back to where our car was parked, and headed home. (From Twitter, it looks like Bishop Allen ended up taking the stage at about 11:30, with some opening act a little before that.)
On the bright side, Melissa had a good night: Uncle David and Aunt Dielha took her to a Brazilian music festival. She had a great time dancing.