After about fifteen minutes he rode with just a light touch on his shoulder, and some time after that, no assistance at all. He biffed it a few times, but got right back on the bike.
I am proud of him.
Glad he was so quick to learn, because I was dripping like a popsicle in a sauna. The humidity turned Melissa's hair into very tight corkscrews and Isaac had a halo of tiny damp ringlets around his head.
He rode around in a circle about 20 more times, then I declared it time for A/C and lunch at MoMaks. After we got home he had to ride again- even in the rain. "Come watch me Mom!" Okay, but I watched from the dry porch steps.

Update: He rode like an old hand today, and even persuaded his Dad to go on a bike ride with him. In the middle of the day. In July. In South Central Texas. Now that's love.
1 comment:
Go Matthew!
Wow, I didn't know Chris was going to be near you, too! How neat!
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