While he was doing that, I couldn't help but think how like toddlers we must be to God. Our "help" is so small for One who can order the cosmos. And yet I imagine He is pleased when we try to do his work, however imperfectly.
'Course life is messy and not always filled with those sweet moments...
Later that night, Melissa came downstairs complaining that her tummy wasn't feeling good. I thought she might be hungry since we had an early picnic dinner in the park. "Go have a slice of bread, then go back to bed." Next thing thing I heard was a loud and long SPLAT! It sounded like someone poured a full pitcher of water on the tile floor. Uh oh. I walked into the kitchen and saw Melissa surrounded by a huge puddle of vomit and still going strong. Once her tummy settled down for a moment, I scooped her up and carried her to the bathtub. My husband, oh darling, sainted man, offered to clean up the floor while I took care of Melissa. I asked if he was 'sure' once...but I didn't ask twice! I cleaned Melissa up, re-jammied her, gave her some sprite to sip, rocked her and put her back to bed with a big bowl, just in case.
The next day she seemed to be feeling fine, but Jonathan stayed home with her while I took the guys to church. As is tradition, the primary kids sang their songs about mothers during sacrament meeting. (Am I the only mother that gets a bit nervous when her kid is up on the stand? I'm just hoping my offspring isn't the one making funny faces or picking his/her nose!) Matthew fortunately didn't make me squirm, and he mostly sang. Good job, Matthew.
Isaac is having a tough adjustment to nursery, so either Jonathan or I usually stay with him. It doesn't help that nursery is smack dab during nap time. He got tired of nursery right after singing time, so I nursed him and he conked out and slept peacefully all through Relief Society. I got to hear the entire lesson. Thanks, Isaac!
After we got home the kids were bouncing off of the walls. Melissa was clearly feeling better. We went for a family hike up Comanche Lookout Point (fourth highest hill in Bexar county!) to get them out of the house. Once again, I forgot my good camera.

The presents were lovely, gang, but here are my treasures.

1 comment:
Aw, sorry about Melissa throwing up, but it sounds like you had a good mother's day! Matthew and Melissa did a great job making lovely gifts, and Jonathan has great taste; love that print!
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