Sunday, September 22, 2013

Corinna's handbag

IMAG1122 by jbellis
IMAG1122, a photo by jbellis on Flickr.

Corinna had a ton of fun with this red bag in Office Depot. I went looking online for a more toddler-sized bag. I learned two things: first, bags are found in the Shoe department. Of course! Second, they can easily get ridiculously expensive.

Rachel said I should try the thrift store. So the next time I was running errands with Corinna, I stopped at the Salvation Army store and checked it out. They had a *lot* of red shoulder bags and handbags. I picked the two with the most zippers and pockets and let her choose.

She chose, both! But she actually didn't fight me over it and settled on one. She was very, very pleased.

(The cashier ladies thought she was the cutest thing ever.)

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