Sunday, November 22, 2009


  • Matthew left his mp3 player down. Isaac ate the foam padding off the headphones. The circle of life: I remember when Matthew ate the foam off one of mine.
  • Muppets: "A photographic memory? In your case, that means a memory that needs developing!" Matthew: "What's developing?" (Even funnier than the actual Muppet Show, or explaining 1970s technology in 2009, is the kids cracking up at the slapstick bits.)
  • Matthew: "I may be cute, but I'm also a little bit sweet."
  • Melissa: "Taste knee bullets! Right, dad?" Me: "?" "Tanks need bullets! Right?"
  • Rachel showed Melissa how to use the radio part of her clock-radio. She started on a classical station. By bedtime, I could hear guitars wailing. That's my girl.
  • Melissa: "Can I have more flat potatoes, please?" (She meant McDonald's hashbrowns.)
  • Watched the WCG Starcraft finals live at 2 AM. (Jaedong 2-1 Stork)
  • "I hate legos! They're stupit! [sic] And I hate Isaac!" Matthew learns that trying to build something on the floor is an exercise in frustration.
  • Every couple months, the traffic waves part just right and I take the 50mph curves on 281 S at 80. This makes my whole day go better. Glad I got this in one more time before we move offices. (I just realized what this means: no more snack closet.)
  • We had friends over for dinner last week. The chicken pasta broiled a little too long, and got a little toasty. Matthew told our guests, "That's okay; my mom burns things a lot."
  • Friend: "Did you finish your book?" Me: "Which book?" Friend: "The one you were reading in church." Rachel: "WHAT?" Friend: "Oops."
  • Melissa, singing: "A is for apple, M is for Melissa, E is for Melissa, L is for Melissa, ..."
  • Took Melissa with me to drop stuff off at FedEx and pick up Thai for lunch. In between, we had time to stop at Toys R Us, and Melissa charmed an empty but cute pink gift card from the cashier. She showed her prize to Matthew, who was green with envy -- not for the pink card per se, but because "You got to go to Toys That Are Us? No fair!"

1 comment:

Adra said...

You poor dear. This made me laugh so hard: "That's okay; my mom burns things a lot." I am so glad I have only kitties, they never tell on me!