Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A tired Mommy

Monday was day 2 of installing our hardwood floors. This involved a very loud air compressor powering even louder nailguns. To keep Matthew out of the way (and for sanity: Matthew did not like the noise), Rachel took him basically everywhere, including all the way down to Provo where the mall has a kids play area. (Rachel wants me to include that she took him outside despite the bitter, bitter upper-30s cold. And wind. Don't forget the freezing wind. "Even Matthew said it was cold.")

She called at 2:00. "Are you coming home early?" "I wasn't planning on it." "Oh. Well, could you come home early?" "Okay...." I was busy but Rachel sounded frazzled. So, I tried to call her at 3:00. She didn't answer, so I figured she'd gone outside without the phone.

I left anyway. Rachel's car was gone when I got back. 20 minutes later she got back and I took Matthew outside some more and then to the McDonald's play area. I called half a dozen times during my two-hour stay at McDonalds to see if Rachel wanted me to pick up pizza (McDonald's isn't an option with Rachel, duh) on the way home. No answer. When I got home I found Rachel fast asleep. "Mama sleep!"

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