Monday, January 10, 2005

The Peanut Returns

The weather's been mild this week so yesterday we walked to church. It turns out that at least one person in the area is quite inconsiderate about where his dog drops its turds; one stretch of grass was littered with them literally every 3 or 4 feet.

Naturally, this fascinated Matthew. "Yuck! Poo poo!" Just as naturally, I got a kick out of this. "Look, Matthew! More poo poo!"

I probably don't have to tell you that Rachel wasn't amused. But, on the way home (while I was in a meeting) she got dragged into the conversation enough to tell Matthew that it was probably dog poo poo.

This information in hand, when I took Matthew outside tonight to stretch his legs, he ran the whole way to where the turds began. "Poo poo! Dog! Yuck!" Really amazing how little it takes to make his day. I think he was a little disappointed that we didn't actually meet the dog responsible, though.

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