Portrait of Heather
(oil pastels)
by Matthew

Matthew sketched this picture while in Houston and added the oil pastels when we returned home.
(construction paper and cotton balls)
by Melissa
by Matthew
This was a quick doodle for a friend.
Farmhouses on a hill
(oil pastels)
by Matthew
Matthew spent hours working on this and was so pleased with it when he finished.
Girl in Pink
by Melissa
Was there any question who the artist was? Pink is definitely her preferred color to express herself.
Winter Scene
by Matthew
I forgot to ask the artist, but I think that is a cow in the middle there...
by Matthew
In this piece he learned a new technique in art class. To make the trees, he painted Ys.
Wow-what talent! Seriously! I would frame and hang those up-especially the farmhouse one and the last tree one....you have smart kiddos with an artist's eye!
Thanks for sharing! Candy
Awesome :) I like all of them, especially Farmhouses on a hill and the pink one :).
I think I've seen something incredibly similar to Farmhouses in NYC's Museum of Modern Art..... You have a couple talented little kidlets! Also, who is Heather? A friend?
Wow, great artists! I love their work!
They both love to draw. I suspect Santa will leave some art supplies for them this year. :)
Heather is a cousin, which reminds me that I need to mail that to her, per Matthew's request.
Matthew has really enjoyed his after school art class, and it is fun to watch him try new things at home.
Excellent! Matthew has got an eye for art! Love that Melissa uses pink! Sounds like Lila ;)
Wow, Matthew really is amazing!! I'm so impressed!!
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