Matthew was nicknamed "Peanut" by his mother shortly after birth. How shortly, we're not really sure anymore; within the first few sleep-deprived days is all we remember. Matthew never did go through that period of sleeping all the time that baby books tell you newborns are supposed to have. Since his first abnormally alert days he's just become more and more active, and at some point his uncle Grant conferred upon him the moniker Savage.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Daddy's helper
Our first night in the new house, I set about hanging some pictures. Corinna came over to help me. She wasn't intimidated by the ladder at all.
Isaac the artist
Early in our unpacking procedure, Isaac was Bored.
"Have him draw on a box or something," Rachel suggested. So I did.
Isaac like pancakes
He was so excited to see the pancakes for lunch that he spontaneously hugged his mom. "Isaac like pancakes!" he declared joyfully.
At the pack meeting
There was a stomp-the-balloon activity at the end. Melissa was not interested in stomping, but took a great deal of pleasure in blowing up The Biggest Balloon Ever.
Isaac wanted to stomp at first but got intimidated by the much bigger scouts and adults jumping around. So I tied his balloon to my ankle instead, and holding hands we went around stomping until one of the scouts stepped on our string and pulled it off.

Matthew's tent
Grandma Ellis made a tent for Matthew while she was here, matching a smaller one for Isaac.
Matthew enjoys it way more than I would have expected for a child of the videogame generation. He especially likes to sleep in it. This invariably ends with his arms and legs sticking out as he squirms around in his sleep and compacts the tent about him.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Matthew's birthday present
Tired Isaac
Isaac usually comes with me to drop the big kids off at school. This is what happens when he gets up at the ungodly hour of 6:00 first.
Melissa's card
Sick this week with a nasty cold that I got from Matthew, which he got from Rachel. Melissa made me a get well card.